Religious and Spiritual Life

A person speaking at a podium in the Hamline church with people throughout the room

Hamline welcomes people of all religious traditions as well as those with none. Recognizing that Hamline’s campus community is religiously diverse, the programs of Religious and Spiritual Life are committed to:

  • Building bridges to connect the sacred, academic, and social aspects of life on campus
  • Fostering spiritual exploration and growth
  • Promoting compassion, justice, and concern for the common good
  • Providing personal, emotional, and spiritual support to the campus community

Learn about Hamline's United Methodist connection and read our reconciling university welcoming statement.

   Religious Holiday Observance Policy

Spiritual and religious gatherings

All gatherings are open to all members of the Hamline community and will be held when classes are in session during fall and spring terms. 

If you don't find your spiritual or religious tradition represented and want to start a new weekly gathering for the Hamline community, don't hesitate to contact Chaplain Kelly Figueroa-Ray at  



Date, time, and location

Holy Communion
(Christian religious practice) 


Jum'ah Prayer
(Muslim religious practice)


Kabbalat Shabbat
(Jewish religious practice)


Meditation and Mindfulness 
(spiritual practice)



Advising, programs, events, student-led groups, and sacred spaces

Contact information