The Heights

Virtual campus tour

Schilling, Peterson, and Osborn halls

Many Pipers spend their first year in the Heights, a group of three residence halls dedicated to the first-year experience. The focus here is community - many floors are dedicated to particular themes (for example community service, healthy living, or the arts) and plan floor activities or excursions around these topics. In general, the Heights are a gathering place for first-year students who can often be found in one of the renovated lounges, watching television, playing ping-pong, and/or sharing a pizza. In addition to the standard amenities of cable television, Internet connection, and on-site laundry, the Heights feature a performance stage and the ability to connect to individual gaming systems.

Campus life

Nearly 90% of first-year students live on campus. Our residential students enjoy living close to classes, computer labs, campus activities, the fitness center, professors and advisors, and study groups. The convenience of stopping into their dorm rooms between classes as well as freedom from commuting hassles, arduous apartment hunting, and splitting utility bills creates more time for academics and fun.

  • "I like living in the dorms because of all the interesting people you get to meet." Brad Brake, Schilling Hall
  • "It's fun living here because you feel like there's always someone to talk to and hang out with." Jake Richards, Peterson Hall
  • "The best thing about living on campus is the chance to be part of a community. It's a good feeling to know that I'm not alone here." Krystl Rae Louwagie, Osborn Hall

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