Sexual Misconduct: Get Help

Title IX

If you are in immediate danger, call Public Safety 651-523-2100 or 911.

老夫子传煤 is committed to providing a comprehensive and integrated response to community members who have experienced any form of sexual misconduct: sexual harassment, discrimination based on gender identity or expression, and sexual violence, including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking.

If you have an emergency, visit our emergency medical resources page for information on where to get medical attention and how to preserve evidence.

Things to consider

If you recently experienced sexual assault we encourage you to consider your safety, preserving evidence, seeking medical attention as soon as possible, reporting the sexual misconduct, seeking accommodations and other assistance.

Your safety

If you are concerned about your immediate safety, call Safety and Security at 651-523-2100 or 911. If there are no safety risks or serious injuries, go to a safe place and contact a friend or family member, your RA or NSM, or someone that you trust to stay with you.

Preserving evidence

It is important to preserve physical evidence of an assault even if you do not yet know whether you want to report the assault or pursue filing a complaint. Evidence is best collected as soon as possible or at least within 120 hours of the incident. Do not shower to avoid washing away evidence. You can also preserve evidence by saving text messages, instant messages, and other communications that may be useful to investigators.

Seeking medical attention as soon as possible

If you go to a Saint Paul Hospital, trained nurses can collect necessary physical evidence. Even if you do not opt for forensic evidence collection, health care professionals can treat injuries and take steps to address concerns of pregnancy and/or sexually transmitted disease.

Reporting the sexual misconduct

Although the university strongly encourages all members of the community to immediately report sexual misconduct to law enforcement, you have a choice whether to make such a report, and you can decline to involve the police. To learn more about your options, visit our reporting page.

Seeking accommodations and other assistance

To request accommodations and other assistance with academic, housing, or financial aid matters, contact the Title IX Office located in the Dean of Students Office at 651-523-2948.

Contact information