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The field experience shall be in a school district setting appropriate for the license under the supervision of educators from an approved college or university school administration program and a licensed practicing school administrator working in the area of the intern's field experience. The field experience must consist of at least 320 hours, of which at least 40 must be in each school level: elementary, middle grades, and high school, and is in addition to the teaching experience described in subpart 4. Subp. 3a. Teaching knowledge and skills. An applicant shall demonstrate basic teaching knowledge and skills as required by part 8710.2000. The applicant shall: A. present a portfolio or other appropriate presentation as determined by the approved school administration program demonstrating appropriate teaching knowledge and skills; or B. meet the examination requirement of part 8710.0510, subpart 1, items A and B, and subpart 3, items A and B. Subp. 4. Teaching internship requirement. An applicant shall have experience and knowledge in curriculum, school organization, philosophy of education, early childhood, elementary, junior high, middle school, and senior high schools. The internship shall: A. include one school year with a minimum hour equivalency of 1,050 hours of classroom experiences, including eight weeks of supervised teaching; B. be under the supervision of a licensed practicing school administrator; C. include supervision provided by educators from an approved school administration program; and D. be based on a written agreement between the intern, the approved school administration preparation institution, and the school district in which the internship is completed. The Board interprets Minn. R. 3512. 0700 to allow those who have a teaching license, but do not have the three years of experience, to receive an administrative license if they meet the field experience requirement of subpart 3 and the teaching internship requirement of subpart 4. What constitutes 8 weeks of supervised teaching in Subp. 4, 3512.0700? Subp. 4. Teaching internship requirement. An applicant shall have experience and knowledge in curriculum, school organization, philosophy of education, early childhood, elementary, junior high, middle school, and senior high schools. The internship shall: A. include one school year with a minimum hour equivalency of 1,050 hours of classroom experiences, including eight weeks of supervised teaching; B. be under the supervision of a licensed practicing school administrator; C. include supervision provided by educators from an approved school administration program; and D. be based on a written agreement between the intern, the approved school administration preparation institution, and the school district in which the internship is completed. The Boards interpretation: The Rule requires 8 weeks of supervised teaching and a minimum of 1050 hours. The Rule gives institutions the flexibility to meet this Rule without setting per day, per hour, continuous phase, time of year requirements. What is required is that a person demonstrates the equivalent of 8 weeks of supervised teaching with a minimum of 1050 hours. What constitutes a classroom teaching license? 3512.0200. EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE REQUIREMENTS FOR SUPERINTENDENT, PRINCIPAL, AND DIRECTOR OF SPECIAL EDUCATION. Subpart 1. Scope. A person holding a position as a superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, assistant principal, special education director, or assistant special education director must hold the appropriate license as a superintendent, principal, or special education director. Subp. 2. Teaching experience. An applicant for licensure as a superintendent, principal, or special education director shall have three years of successful classroom teaching experience while holding a classroom teaching license valid for the position or positions in which the experience was gained. For purposes of this subpart, "classroom teaching license" means a license valid to teach granted by the Board of Teaching. 122A.15. TEACHERS, SUPERVISORY AND SUPPORT PERSONNEL, DEFINITIONS, LICENSURE. Subdivision 1.Teachers. The term "teachers" for the purpose of licensure, means all persons employed in a public school or education district or by a service cooperative as members of the instructional, supervisory, and support staff including superintendents, principals, supervisors, secondary vocational and other classroom teachers, librarians, counselors, school psychologists, school nurses, school social workers, audio-visual directors and coordinators, recreation personnel, media generalists, media supervisors, and speech therapists. Minn. R. 8710.0550. ADDITIONAL FIELDS OF LICENSURE. Subpart 1. In general a person who holds a life license; a current non-vocational entrance, professional, or nonrenewable license; or a current entrance or continuing secondary vocational license based on a degree program in agriculture education, business education, consumer homemaking and family life education, industrial education, or marketing education granted by the Board of Teaching may apply for an additional field of licensure upon meeting the rule requirements for the licensure field and level. A person who holds only a Board of Teaching license as an educational speech-language pathologist, school nurse, school psychologist, school social worker, or school counselor, or a secondary vocational license other than one based on a degree program in agriculture education, business education, consumer homemaking and family life education, industrial education, or marketing education must meet the rule requirements for the licensure field and level and part  HYPERLINK "https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/rules?id=8710.2000" 8710.2000. *8710.2000 STANDARDS OF EFFECTIVE PRACTICE FOR TEACHERS. Subpart 1.Standards. A candidate for teacher licensure shall show verification of completing the standards in subparts 2 to 11 in a teacher preparation program approved under part  HYPERLINK "https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/rules?id=8700.7600" 8700.7600. *8700.7600.INSTITUTIONAL PROGRAM APPROVAL FOR TEACHER PREPARATION. The Boards interpretation: A classroom teaching license is a license for a teacher who teaches a subject area or a grade level. Do Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists qualify for a license under Minn. R. 3512.0700? ADMINISTRATIVE LICENSURE WITHOUT TEACHING EXPERIENCE FOR SUPERINTENDENTS, PRINCIPALS, AND DIRECTORS OF SPECIAL EDUCATION. Subpart 1. Scope. This part is intended for an applicant for licensure for K-12 principal, superintendent, and director of special education completing an approved licensure program, but lacking the teaching experience requirement. Subp. 2. Degree requirement. An applicant shall meet the degree requirement in part 3512.0200, subpart 3. Subp. 3. Field experience. An applicant shall have satisfactorily completed a field experience in school administration as an intern in the license area sought. The field experience shall be in a school district setting appropriate for the license under the supervision of educators from an approved college or university school administration program and a licensed practicing school administrator working in the area of the intern's field experience. The field experience must consist of at least 320 hours, of which at least 40 must be in each school level: elementary, middle grades, and high school, and is in addition to the teaching experience described in subpart 4. Subp. 3a. Teaching knowledge and skills. An applicant shall demonstrate basic teaching knowledge and skills as required by part 8710.2000. The applicant shall: A. present a portfolio or other appropriate presentation as determined by the approved school administration program demonstrating appropriate teaching knowledge and skills; or B. meet the examination requirement of part 8710.0510, subpart 1, items A and B, and subpart 3, items A and B. Subp. 4. Teaching internship requirement. An applicant shall have experience and knowledge in curriculum, school organization, philosophy of education, early childhood, elementary, junior high, middle school, and senior high schools. The internship shall: A. include one school year with a minimum hour equivalency of 1,050 hours of classroom experiences, including eight weeks of supervised teaching; B. be under the supervision of a licensed practicing school administrator; C. include supervision provided by educators from an approved school administration program; and D. be based on a written agreement between the intern, the approved school administration preparation institution, and the school district in which the internship is completed. The Boards interpretation: We believe that Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists do not qualify for licensure under Minn. R. 3512.0700 because they lack the teaching experience requirement and do not have a license issued by the Board of Teaching. What constitutes practicing in the phrase licensed practicing superintendents, principals, and directors of special education found in Subp. 2, 3512.0300? 3512.0300. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS, PRINCIPALS, AND DIRECTORS OF SPECIAL EDUCATION. Subp. 2. Institutional requirement. An institution applying to the board for approval of a preparation program leading to licensure as superintendent, principal, or director of special education shall comply with part 3512.2500. An approved program must include a description of how applicants for licensure may have their experience and preparation in those areas listed in subpart 3 or 4 evaluated by an institution with an approved program. The evaluation must include representation from college departments involved with the licensure program and licensed practicing superintendents, principals, and directors of special education. This evaluation must result in a plan for the applicant to complete the knowledge, skills, and dispositions listed in part 3512.0510. An approved program for the competency and situational observation component must include an exit evaluation that requires a licensure candidate to demonstrate mastery of aptitude with the knowledge, skills, and dispositions in part 3512.0510. The Boards interpretation: Practicing means an individual who is currently employed in the representative licensure area. What process does the Minnesota Board of School Administrators and the Department of Education use with persons prepared in states other than Minnesota? 3512.0300. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENTS, PRINCIPALS, AND DIRECTORS OF SPECIAL EDUCATION. Subp. 5. Administrative licensure completed outside of Minnesota. A person prepared in another state must be granted an initial license in accordance with part 3512.2600. One year of full-time experience as a superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, or assistant principal in another state may be substituted for the field experience required by part 3512.0400. A person licensed in another state must achieve educational equivalency by the end of their initial license with persons licensed in Minnesota. Educational equivalency includes 30 semester credits beyond a masters degree or 60 semester credits beyond a bachelor degree. 3512.2600. LICENSURE FOR PERSONS PREPARED IN STATES OTHER THAN MINNESOTA. Subpart 1. Criteria. Minnesota licenses shall be granted to persons who otherwise meet applicable statutory requirements and who complete programs leading to licensure in colleges and universities located outside Minnesota. The licenses shall be granted only in licensure fields for which the board has established rules governing programs leading to licensure. Persons prepared in states other than Minnesota shall present their credentials to the board for approval. The board has jurisdiction on all matters concerning administrative licensure. The licenses shall be issued according to either item A or B as follows: A. Persons who complete approved programs in colleges and universities leading to licensure within states which have signed contracts with Minnesota according to the Interstate Agreement on Qualification of Educational Personnel shall be granted a Minnesota initial license. No licenses shall be issued on the basis of teaching experience only. B. Persons who complete programs leading to licensure in colleges and universities within states outside Minnesota which have not signed contracts with Minnesota shall be granted a Minnesota initial license when all of the following criteria are met: (1) the college or university is regionally accredited by the Association for the Accreditation of Colleges and Secondary Schools; (2) the program leading to licensure has been recognized by the state as qualifying the applicant completing the program for such licensure within that state; (3) the program leading to licensure completed by the applicant is essentially equivalent in content to approved programs offered by Minnesota colleges and universities under the rules of the Board of School Administrators governing the licensure field; and (4) the college or university which offers the program leading to licensure verifies that the applicant has completed an approved licensure program at that institution and recommends the applicant for a license in a licensure field at a licensure level. Notwithstanding part  HYPERLINK "https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/rules?id=3510.4000" 3510.4000 governing human relations, persons who have been prepared for licensure in states other than Minnesota shall be granted a Minnesota initial license based upon the provisions of this part. Subp. 2. Human relations requirement. Notwithstanding part  HYPERLINK "https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/rules?id=3512.2700" 3512.2700 governing human relations, persons who have been prepared for licensure in states other than Minnesota shall be granted a nonrenewable one-year initial license based upon the provisions of this part. The Boards interpretation: An individual prepared in another state who is seeking MN administrative licensure would need to have his/her documentation reviewed by the Department of Education who on behalf of the Board of School Administrators would respond in one of four ways: (a) determine the individual meets MN criteria and grant a license; (b) determine the individual does not meet MN criteria including the human relations requirement and grant a one-year provisional license; (c) determine the individual meets the human relations requirement but not other MN criteria and grant a two-year initial license; or (d) determine the individual does not meet any of the criteria and does not grant a license. If an out-of state individual is granted a one or two year license, the Department of Education directs them to seek out an accredited administration licensure program to begin work toward meeting MN criteria. Upon reviewing the out-of-state individuals documentation, higher education licensure programs may either (a) write a letter verifying that upon review the candidate meets MN criteria, recommend the individual be granted licensure, and attach the verification to the individuals application for licensure; or (b) accept the individual into the licensure program and guide him/her through the necessary requirements needed to meet MN criteria. If there is a situation where additional clarification is needed, we would recommend you seek assistance from the MSBA Executive Director. How does the Minn. R. Chapter 3512 adopted October 2008 apply to candidates currently enrolled in administrative preparation programs? The Boards interpretation: Candidates who entered an administrative licensure program in the fall of 2008 will be required to meet competency of the Minn. R. Chapter 3512 adopted October 2008. Candidates who entered an administrative licensure program prior to fall 2008 can meet competency of the former Minn. R. Chapter 3512 provided they complete their program before December 31, 2010.     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