A Message from President Murray

Our new students (by the way, first-year deposits currently number 502!) will arrive for orientation on Thursday, August 22. At 2 p.m. that day, we will have a welcome ceremony for the students and their families at Klas Field. I am hoping that all faculty and staff will plan to join us at the stadium to celebrate this group of new students and the launch of the new academic year. The CLA Fall Faculty Conference will conclude at 2 p.m., allowing faculty to head to Klas. I have asked the University Leadership Team to arrange for offices to close so that staff can participate as well. The New Student Welcome and Matriculation will include a number of Hamline rituals designed to begin to build a sense of belonging for these newest members of our community. We promise to be in and out in an hour or less. Please plan to join us at 2 p.m. on Thursday, August 22, at Klas Field for this joyful celebration.