
Bridget Jacques-Fricke

Associate Professor - Biology; Program Director - Neuroscience
Work space: St. Paul Main Campus > Robbins Science Center > Robbins Science Center RSC 127

Bridget Jacques-Fricke is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Hamline and teaches courses in the Neuroscience program. Her scientific career began at a small liberal arts college, the University of Minnesota-Morris, where she created her own interdisciplinary program to study neuroscience by becoming a double major in Biology and Psychology. She went on to earn a PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and completed postdoctoral training at the University of Minnesota. Before coming to Hamline, Dr. Jacques-Fricke was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Carleton College.

Dr. Jacques-Fricke is a developmental neuroscientist and her research interests involve understanding the molecular mechanisms of cell motility during development of the nervous system. Her research focus is on neural crest cells, which are a stem cell-like population unique to vertebrate embryos that form a variety of structures, including the majority of the peripheral nervous system. Along with her interests in neuroscience, Dr. Jacques-Fricke also enjoys teaching physiology, developmental biology, and introductory biology courses.

Dr. Jacques-Fricke designs her courses with the central idea that student interaction and participation are crucial for building both understanding and excitement about science. Students in her courses are frequently involved in activities that start with learning the foundations of biology and build to applying these principles to describe disease states, propose experiments, and analyze and interpret scientific data. In lab, students often propose and test their own hypotheses, and Dr. Jacques-Fricke often brings her research interests into lab courses where students perform original research on neural crest cells.

Jacques-Fricke BT, Roffers-Agarwal J, Gustafson CM, and Gammill LS. Preparation and morphological analysis of chick cranial neural crest cell cultures. J. Vis. Exp. (in press)

Jacques-Fricke BT, Roffers-Agarwal J, Hussein AO, Yoder KJ*, Gearhart MD, and Gammill LS (2021) Profiling NSD3-dependent neural crest gene expression reveals known and novel candidate regulatory factors. Dev. Biol. 475: 118-130. * = Hamline undergraduate author

Gammill LS, Jacques-Fricke B, and Roffers-Agarwal J (2019) Embryological and Genetic Manipulation of Chick Development. Methods Mol. Biol. 1920: 75-97.

Jacques-Fricke BT and Gammill LS (2014) Neural crest specification and migration independently require NSD3-related lysine methyltransferase activity. Mol. Biol. Cell. 25(25): 4174-4186.

Kerstein PC, Jacques-Fricke BT, Rengifo J, Mogen B, Williams J, Gottlieb PA, Sachs F, and Gomez TM (2013) Mechanosensitive TRPC1 channels promote calpain proteolysis of talin to regulate spinal axon outgrowth. J. Neurosci. 33: 273-285.

Jacques-Fricke BT, Roffers-Agarwal J, and Gammill LS (2012) DNA methyltransferase 3b is dispensable for mouse neural crest development. PLoS One 7(10):e47794.

Jacques-Fricke BT, Hubert AM, Miller SM (2009) A versatile module to improve understanding of scientific literature through peer instruction. Journal of College Science Teaching 39(2): 24-33.

Jacques-Fricke BT, Seow Y*, Gottlieb PA, Sachs F, and Gomez TM (2006) Ca2+ influx through mechanosensitive channels inhibits neurite outgrowth in opposition to other influx pathways and release from intracellular stores. J. Neurosci. 26(21): 5656-5664.
* = undergraduate author