Center for Excellence in Urban Teaching

School of Education and Leadership

The Center for Excellence in Urban Teaching (CEUT) was created to train and support teachers in applying proven culturally relevant pedagogical practices in urban and urban-like schools to promote increased educational success for all youth in Minnesota.

CEUT seeks to provide support for teacher candidates within and after earning their initial licensure. Scholarships and mentoring are available for aspiring teachers who are people of color or indigenous or American Indian.


Provide educational interventions and resources that develop the cultural competencies for under-prepared students to achieve success.


Be the national expert in critical urban education programs, practices, and strategies.


  • Prepared 275 college students of color and indigenous students for the field of teaching in Minnesota
  • Trained more than 800 new and non-traditional teachers in effective, real-life strategies for the urban classroom through the graduate-level Certificate in Urban Teaching
  • Trained teachers, administrators, students, and community members since 1996
  • Provided professional development in more than 40 schools and districts in Minnesota
  • Developed and implemented an effective tutoring program that pairs urban youth with college students of color and indigenous students
  • Created and led Parent Academies in urban schools
  • Prepared teachers to practice social justice, culturally relevant pedagogy, innovation, relational trust, leadership, and research-based knowledge and skills
  • Prepare a diverse cadre of educators in entry-level leadership positions to support new teachers and other school personnel in addressing issues of diversity and achievement, by providing a comprehensive one-year program to ensure and enhance effectiveness for persons new to school leadership

Executive directors

Rebecca A. Neal serves as the executive director of CEUT. 

Past directors include:

  • Dr. Sandra Winn Tutwiler, 1997-1998
  • Lurline Baker-Kent, 1998-2002
  • Barbara B. Washington, 2002-2008
  • Dr. Frank Hernandez, 2008-2010
  • Aura Camacho-Maas, 2011
  • Dr. Jean R. Strait, 2011-2013

Current activity

老夫子传煤 is one of five institutions awarded a grant through the Minnesota Department of Education as part of the Collaborative Urban Educator program. The grant broadly focuses on these areas to promote preparation of a diverse teacher workforce. Activity focuses on these goals:

  • Support a diverse cadre of students as they enter the teaching profession through the Teaching Fellows program
  • Provide scholarship and professional support for promising candidates from populations that are under-represented in the teaching profession as they seek initial licensure from the state of Minnesota

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