Students jumping in front of Anderson at commencement graduation

Where Passion

Fuels Purpose

Top-ranked Education Within Reach

#1 Regional UniversityÌý

²Ñ¾±²Ô²Ô±ð²õ´Ç³Ù²¹â€™sÌýµþ±ð²õ³Ù Regional University and 12th in the MidwestÌý
— U.S. News & World ReportÌý

A Great Investment
#1 in Value

²Ñ¾±²Ô²Ô±ð²õ´Ç³Ù²¹â€™sÌýµþ±ð²õ³Ù ValueÌýRegional University and 9th in the Midwest
— U.S. News & World ReportÌý

#1 for Economic MobilityÌý

The only non-profit Minnesota college ranked in theÌýtop tier for economic mobilityÌýafter college


Confirm Today and Reserve Your Place as a Piper

When you confirm your enrollment, you are declaring your intent to attend Hamline! We'll reserve a place for you in the incoming class and you can sign up now for summer orientation, and apply for housing to get your preferred dates and dorm.Ìý

Submit your enrollment deposit today!Ìý

Small Campus. Big Opportunities.

A Degree That Gets Results


Learning by Doing


of undergrads complete at least one internship, research, or service-learning experience

Well-prepared graduates


of alumni rate their career preparedness as good to excellent

Immediate results


of the class of 2022 said they were very satisfied or satisfied with their first position

Nidhi Jariwala

When I toured the campus, I saw many of the student organizations at work and the students on campus. Their dedication to their community and their education was apparent. That’s when I knew I wanted to come to Hamline.

Nidhi Jariwala '22, economics and global studies; master’s student in global affairs at New York University
Students walking in front of Old Main

Embracing knowledge.
Igniting Action.

ÀÏ·ò×Ó´«Ãº does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation, or veteran status in its education or employment programs or activities.Ìý